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Ok, open for commissions again (or Artfire sales. ) - server fees were due today. “We apparently have prized DNA in their eyes.” Lessa scowled. Years had gone by and the more time that passed, the more she realized just how far the ADC would go. There were so many things that had happened that should not have. Her ID marker being destroyed as well as her own personal marker, which had been under the skin on her right arm, just did not happen. It was not a coincidence. She had been hidden with a purpose. “They were planning to make me into a long term investment.” Lessa smiled again, a wide satisfied grin that pulled the left side of her face into a frightening grimace. “Kade, Rumen and a few close family friends convinced my caretakers that it was in their best interest to release me to their care.” She had heard about the fight after the fact. Four doctors against half a dozen rishan and one enraged Littan. They had been beaten and then had their careers threatened when they gave in if they spoke a word of what had happened.

14 thoughts on “01/07/2011

  1. I get the feeling if we, the readers could have been there, you could add quite a few angry humans with their distanced cousins and one Littan.

    Yeah, we make a big deal with Racisim, but the ones of us who do care would have been there too. (pops on a knuckeduster as proof).

    I like the variation on the 3 of the 6 possible Rishan backing up Kade. It’s nice to see the other colors mentioned besides the Blue skined Rishan that normally appear among the primary cast.

  2. most of us would likely have jumped in there to help if we could.

  3. I like their style.

    1. When all else fails…
      He hehe…

  4. I’m assuming that they wanted her for a breeder and that’s where to 2 little boys come in. I’ve been wondering who their father was since Lex’s father is dead but this would explain it.

    1. Genetic “Easy Bake Oven”! I ~SO~ called it!

  5. Get your beat sticks and Follow That Man!

  6. Pff. Yeah, that’s definitely one way to put it, Lessa. X3

  7. YEAH!! Show ’em who’s boss!! I’d back ’em 100% if I was there!! I’m not usually the violent type but what ‘they’ are doing (pops knuckles). You go Kade, Rumen and others!!!

  8. wait i thought Kade WAS his father??
    why is everyone saying he’s not?

    1. Kade is Riley’s father. :3 Lexx’s father was killed when Lexx was little.

      And I think the two little boys have the same father as Lexx…maybe. Lexx looked maybe six when he found out Lessa was ‘dead’ so the others could’ve been born by then. The girl was taken when Lessa was still pregnant, so…-shrug- It’s complicatedd

  9. DawnStarLightning

    @Warpcorps- Kade isn’t Lexx’s father. He is, however, Rylie’s father. 🙂 Hope that helped.

  10. I love how you make your villains (in this case the ADC) so despicable we can’t help but hate them. Great job Tiff!

  11. last panel I literally Lol’ed (is that how you put it or is it L’ed OL?)

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