0 1051

January 27, 2004

"I've seen enough friends die without assisting them myself!"  Lexx more lifted than helped Acadiu to his feet.  The sairah leaned against him, having a difficult time finding his feet and willing them to hold him up.  "Saign's really going to punish you by letting you go?" Acadiu rambled, "… reminds me of the Academy.  You were always there for us,… no matter how much you tried to isolate yourself."  He muttered.  "No matter,.. no matter,… never." "It's not a punishment to be free," snorted Lexx. "It is for me,…"  Acadiu's speech slurred, "I don't want to look for another employer,… I might not get one as good as she,.. and I lost, that will make it harder for me to get another job in the arena." "I couldn't lose, Acadiu, that's not the way I want to go,"  responded Lexx, helping Acadiu walk, 'I don't want to belong to anyone.'  He added over the relay. 'I don't understand why not,'  came Acadiu's reply. 'Because I don't want to depend on anyone else.  I don't understand why you don't want control of your own life,'  Lexx admitted back over the relay. 'I'm happy,…'  It was a simple response that made Lexx go quiet in thought.

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