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Lexx did not lay down. He pushed the monitoring shelf away to give himself room to get out of the bed. Stealth watched in astonishment and curiosity as Lexx rose to his feet and swayed unsteadily for a moment before stabilizing and walking away from the bed. She padded silently after him, wondering where he thought he was going and if he would return to the bed on his own. Every step he took had to be painful. The bottoms of his feet were leaving bloody footprints and she could smell that it was fresh.

12 thoughts on “02/09/2012

  1. Yay first comment!

    1. That just goes to show you how long I’m willing to stay up to
      1) Get the first comment and
      2) see the update of my favorite web comic… that’s right I said it!!!
      This is my favorite web comic!!!
      *fan fare, cheering*

      Lexx is still too hurt to be walking around right now!!!

      1. Now I go sleepy…
        Good night… or morning… 🙂

  2. Looks like Stealth was right to stand guard. They’ve got a sleep-walker on their hands, and no real way to know who’s in charge of that drugged up, seriously injured bod. Is this Lexx, or Evil Lexx?

  3. *shrieks* He is SCARY looking!! Ahhh!!! *runs*

  4. The simple question now is, who is in control of Lexx’s body.

    Is it Lexx? The Bad Code? The Remnant? Or is it something else?

    Even poor Stealth is wondering what is going on.

  5. When I see Lexx up and walking like this, I hear this music:

    I’m pretty sure the the evil Glitch version of Lexx is in control right now.

    1. *shudders* That made this part soo much scarier!!

      I’ll uh… come back next update…
      AAAHHHHH!! *runs away*

  6. You show his left foot, but the print is of his right foot.

    1. I noticed that too. Details matter.

  7. ok, NOW I’m scared, this zombie version of Lexx doesn’t make me feel good…

  8. Attack of the Mummy!

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