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03/30/2010 (9 Comments)

“You have an inheritance, the same as mine.” Riley went further. “You will be free to live on our lands for the rest of your life.” Lexx said nothing. This was all news to him. Why? He wasn’t a real part of Riley’s family. Why would he be treated the same? What else was Riley not telling him? Riley suddenly shifted gears, a broad smile forming on his face as he spoke happily. “Maybe Chel will chose to stay with you.” “No.” Lexx shook his head, pushing aside his wonder as he returned to the here and now. “Chel is going to want to stay on Earth. I know her heart and it’s not one that wants to leave what she knows.” Lexx looked away from Riley, not wanting to share his hurt and confusion as the words left his mouth. He was admitting things that were sometimes hard to admit to himself. It was easier to say them to Riley than himself. “You are determined to remain on Earth?” Riley frowned. “I would like to, but that’s not going to be my future.”

3 thoughts on “03/30/2010 (9 Comments)

  1. This is why I don’t think of Lexx an Chel as starcrossed lovers but stars apart lovers

    1. Perfect…….:)

    2. reading this a year and a half later that sounds so beautiful. Did I really write that…
      Its still one hundred percent true though

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