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May 11, 2007 (1 Comment)

A short time later, Stealth had relocated to a rock peninsula that jutted out from the island. If Damian's dice had managed to get her any wetter she would have been stuck out on the first rock she had landed on. She had barely managed to fly back to dry land as it was and had gotten her feet all sandy and wet. Now, her fur was just beginning to get nice and fluffed out. Stealth heard him coming. One of her five tails twitched in annoyance. Zeta's claws clacked noisily on the rock as he trotted out to her and blocked the wonderful lifegiving rays of sun. "Lexx looking for you." Zeta panted gleefully. "Go away, Zeta. I'll go back when I feel like it." Stealth growled menacingly. "Lexx say get ready for party!" Zeta cheerfully announced. "You and me need bath!" Stealth didn't respond. Instead she rolled to her feet and accidently - on purpose swung her wings up at just the right angle for the right one to smack Zeta in the belly. He staggered back a step. That was all it took. One hind leg slipped off the edge of the rock and with a yelp, Zeta tumbled off the side and into the water. "Done." Stealth sneered as she stretched and extended every claw on her forepaws and then dug them into the rocky surface.

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