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July 16, 2003

"Do we?"  Lexx stretched out his right hand, gripping it into a fist and then holding it out for Chel to see.  The temperature, which had warmed up considerably, seemed to drop as Lexx allowed his own reality to take over.  Blood stained the bandage over his right arm, dripping down his fingers in crimson rivulets.  "Look.  Do you want to see me injured more?  Do you want to see me die?" "No,…"  Chel shuddered in horror.  Dreaming about blood always had that effect on her. "Would you rather just not know?" "Lexx, please," she tightened her grip on Lexx, afraid to look up at him.  "Don't talk like that!" "My appearance disturbs you now,…"  stated Lexx.  "But in a few more levels,… I will keep changing,…  hrm…"  Lexx trailed off, his concentration being rattled by an insistent prodding on his shoulder. "Lexx!"  Riley hissed a little too loud, letting the full brunt of his anger hit Lexx over the relay. Unfortunately, it also passed on to Chel. "No!!"  She screamed, jumping and sitting upright in the bed.

2 thoughts on “July 16, 2003

  1. NOW he’s in for two earfuls…oh and he will also need to explain a few things…now, let’s see just how ‘understanding’ Chel really is. Because, as of right now, she has every right to just go home and never see him again.

    I mean, she’s been upset at him playfully reading her diary…how will she react to THAT?! 😀

    Ah yeah, while I’m at it…I’ve been noticing a distinctive improving of the art. You will only get better, I’m sure, but I wish to take the time to say: Good job 🙂

  2. Lexx is screwed. Hmph. Serves him right.

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