5 536

August 07, 2006 (2 Comments)

"You're joking." Kane snorted in disbelief. Rishan eggs? What value did they hold anywhere. She had never given thought to having children of her own. To her, it was a worthless ambition. Why? They would just tie her down. "No. They're worth more to us than you." He continued. "No deal." Kane did not need any time to think on her decision. "My body is mine and nobody else can have any part of it ever." "Be reasonable, Kane. YOU are a Rishan." The Sairah gestured with a nervous twitch of his hand. He had obviously counted on Kane to be so desperate she would give up something so useless. "You do not have a future. You will die in a cell if you don't take this offer. There are other rishan who would kill for an offer like this." "Then go offer it to one of them." Kane sneered, satisfied that she had the upper hand in this negotiation, even if she had no intention of giving up anything. "I have never sold my body and I never will. It's the only thing that is always with me."

5 thoughts on “August 07, 2006 (2 Comments)

  1. Well, what is this? A hint of integrity? I must say, I am impressed.

    1. Idk, it seems to me to be more from a deep sense of loss and desire for control than from a sense of integrity : But hey, whatever keeps her eggs away from the ADC, right? C:

  2. Wow. I’m impressed. I thought she would give them up in a heartbeat. Good girl.

  3. And suddenly, I like Kane a lot more than I did before. 😀 Yes. Good girl. *pats Kane’s head*

  4. Sorry to tell you this, Kane, but with the tech we’ve seen so far, I do not doubt that they could take your entire body from you, and steal your mind via relay. They could just dump your mind into a repository. A void where there is nothing. No walls to touch. No food to taste. no light to see. You would have no arms, no legs. No eyes or ears.

    You have no mouth, and you must scream.

    … Sorry, I’m a fan of classics. And I have no doubt that such horrifying things actually happen in this setting, though they are most definitely extremely illegal.

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