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08/21/2009 (18 Comments)

“Who is going to protect Chel? You?” Victor’s voice took on a more critical edge. “You may be able to grow back body parts, but Chel can’t.” Lexx took a moment to let it sink in. He was right, but Lexx didn’t want to think about it. He scrambled for a good response and only managed an erratic statement out of fear of what Victor’s next words were going to be. “She doesn’t have to come to the battle sites. She will be safe.” He gestured with both hands, forgetting that he wasn’t showing his left arm. It slid out from under his cloak and waved wildly. The sleeve fell loosely around his left arm, contrasting noticeably with the tighter fitting right sleeve. The muscles in his left arm were barely strong enough to keep it lifted and trembled at the sudden command to move.

One thought on “08/21/2009 (18 Comments)

  1. The bandaged arm is NOT helping your case, Lexx…

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