3 516

August 28, 2006 (2 Comments)

The duck landed with a wet plopping sound, right on Energy's muzzle. The long talons immediately sunk into soft flesh and latched him firmly in place. Energy howled in pain as a pulse of energy enveloped him and began draining all of his power. He writhed and thrashed in the water, trying to fling the smaller dice off. "And I thought Dash was exaggerating about having all his energy sucked out …" Energy thrashed about in the water as much as the duck's grasp allowed him to. The draining effect had an almost paralytic effect and made all of Energy's limbs numb and heavy. He swiped in vain at his muzzle, unsure of exactly where his foreclaws might be.

3 thoughts on “August 28, 2006 (2 Comments)

  1. O.o a vampire duck?

    1. Yes, definitely a demonic/vampire duck. Freaky much? I pity the hunter who tried to catch Siphon for dinner.

  2. Well, that critter IS called Siphon.

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