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August 29, 2005 (8 Comments)

"Nothing!" Maelinn beamed at Riley, pulling back for a breath of air. "I've been thinking, since I'm a small part Littan-" She trailed off, noting the very elated look on Riley's face. "Heh …" This was forbidden territory for Riley and it had been completely breached. Taken off guard, he was still reeling from the fact that nothing had happened. There was no lost, submissive look on Maelinn's face. Just her usual adoring expression. "Heh" This was wonderful! And he leaned in for a more proper kiss, completely ignoring the seething visage of Zaile nearby. Who cared? This was between he and Maelinn. Nobody else mattered.

7 thoughts on “August 29, 2005 (8 Comments)

  1. Zaile: |B(

    ah, that face is great

    1. Omg, yes XD Zaile is the *epitome* of hilariously overprotective father XD

  2. FREAKING FINALY after all if lexx and chel could kiss why not those two!

    so happy i got tears!

  3. Well, what to say: ‘Like a Boss!’ 😀

  4. Riley’s look in the first panel is PRICELESS!

  5. Maelinn’s expression in panel one is fantastic! Finally a kiss for these two! Zaile can go chew lemons big sour puss… 😛

  6. Yay! That’s one less pair of star-crossed lovers.

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