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“Where are we going?”  Chel walked with Caillem through a maze of green hedges and strangely colored trees.  The budgieotters would run ahead, hit a dead end and double back repeatedly, but Caillem never walked into one.  She knew the way perfectly and told Chel which way to go.  The other three dice were just too impatient to wait for the directions. “To the servant quadrant.”  Caillem replied.  “There’s someone there who wants to meet you.” “Who here even knows about me?”  Chel stopped walking. “You would be surprised.”  Caillem stood up on her hind legs just past Chel to look her in the face with some concern.

10 thoughts on “10/18/2010

  1. Chel, you’ve been on the Lexx channel for over half a month, and added a romantic subplot – the tntergalactic tabliods and Dice magazines are talking about you like the octo-mom…

    1. Which? The one with 8 kids, or the one with 8 limbs? Remember, most of the people talked about in those mags are NOT from Earth.

      Also, even money on finally meeting Lexx’s grand parents. ^_^

      1. @ Starcat5: Yes – I imagine both would be equally interesting to an alien, though, obviusly for different reasons to different spieces there of.

        Mainly, I was thinking of the sudden onslaught of fame more than a particular celebrity…Though I imagine most of the DICE mags are in the midst of a flame war over whether the romatic subplot is awesome for giving Lexx Heroic Determination, or declaring he’s Ruined Forever because he’s dropped the loner persona. I wonder what thier take on Lexx’s latest training bouts is…

  2. This dragon one always reminds me of a darth sirius. Sirius always has that innocence in his eyes. That is totally devoid in this dragon dice.

  3. Have you forgotten all the presents you got at the party? I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a Chel Fan Club by now.

  4. I get the impression that it’s someone she’s met before.

  5. Is the big red thing in panel one hair or a tree?

    1. I’m prety sure it’s a tree.

      Just go back to when she woke up here:

  6. Shadow Fox Kitfox

    Panel 2, tell me Caillem (the brown sirius) doesn’t have a ‘Riley-like’ grin on her face.

  7. Gorgeous! And chibidoll, I had forgotten the presents! I love the cut out maze. I think it might be an analogy for the mind of a certain crazy woman who wont take defeat.

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