0 876

November 05, 2003 (1 Comment)

'Almost six,…'  Chel glanced at the door of the kitchen that led into the backyard.  It seemed like so long ago.  She had been sitting here with Lexx.  'I should still be in bed,'  She yawned.  'But Lexx said if he's going to show up, it'll be at this time.' The young woman's gaze drifted to the dataplate on the table in front of her.  She had just been reading back some of the entries she had written.  'I know it's only been a day, but I hope Lexx stops by before going after the next dice.'  Chel sighed, closing her eyes and wondering about what Lexx was doing.. wondering if he was thinking about her at all. Lexx stepped through the door, this time being followed only by Dash.  The other dice had complained about it being too hot and Dash would have to take on Rook by himself.  While using Steel as a decoy was permissible, he could not use two dice to actually battle Rook, only one of any level.  The entire purpose of the Random dice set was to get all of his first set up several sides.  If he was lucky, Dash would achieve his full form in this encounter. The tiger was not pleased.  He walked with a brooding swagger and was grumbling under his breath. His ears were back and the fur along his shoulders was sticking up slightly.  Lexx knelt next to Dash, running his fingers through the fur just behind the dice's ears.  Dash was a glutton for attention and Lexx knew exactly what the big cat liked.  The tiger was persistent in making sure that Lexx knew how much he didn't want to be here, but couldn't help flipping his ears forward and squinting slightly in enjoyment. "Go on, Dash.  Find Rook and convince her to join us,"  Lexx instructed, motioning out at the broad expanse of red rock and a scattering of sparsely leaved trees. Lexx stood up as the tiger strode off, nose to the ground to pick up a good scent trail.  'I know I said I'd be there early in the morning,…'  The Rishan pushed away a touch of guilt at being here instead of at Chel's home, but the fact that he had lost Rook was weighing too heavily on his mind to go there until after he had captured her,… and redeemed himself in his own eyes.  'But I need to catch Rook."

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