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11/16/2009 (8 Comments)

Two hours after Chel’s abduction, Damian’s ship was travelling at top speed to the nearest gate hub.  It would take around 48 hours for the ship to arrive at Litta.  That was only if there were few ships ahead of them waiting to use the gates.  Arrangements were already being made to procure their place in the queues before they got there. Lexx stood before one of the many windows that broke the seamless sides of the ship staring out at the stars.  Only a few months ago, nothing meant more to me than finishing my game and vanishing among the stars. Lexx pressed his left hand against the smooth transparent wall before him.  Today I’m putting everything on the line to save a human I put in danger.  A human I care deeply for and will not see harmed in any way. Even if it costs me my life.  Lexx withdrew his hand and examined his left arm.  Everything was working properly, but the arm was weak and his control of it was not as precise as it was before.  The scars were gone, except for a thin circle that marked where the arm had been severed. Riley’s doctors had done a good job in making sure that the scarring was minimal by trimming back the jagged flesh and grafting generated skin over the new and old flesh.  The muscles were stiff for now, but it would only be a short matter of time before they were fully broken in.

2 thoughts on “11/16/2009 (8 Comments)

  1. Whoever owns that ship is compensating for something lol.

    1. That’s Damian’s ship yo. He isn’t compensating, he needs the space for his ego.

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