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April 26, 2004 (1 Comment)

Lexx lingered in the room.  He skimmed Chel's relay for a moment, just now thinking to do it.  It was completely blank.  She wasn't dreaming and she wasn't anywhere near waking up.  Doing anything more would be prying and he did not want to do that again.  Riley would probably have a few more 'words' to say to him if he did.  While it might be worth it, Lexx's chest ached at just the thought of Riley losing his temper. Finally, he held out his remote and activated the door.  Lexx walked through the door with a sigh.  Fly watched with interest.  The door flickered and began to diminish.  Fly squeaked and dropped down next to Drift, nudging him with one paw. "I thought he would never leave!  Time to explore!"  Fly whispered.  The squirrel clambered over Drift and dropped to the floor lightly.  Drift cracked his beak in the start of a protest.  He was content to sleep, but Fly glanced back at him.  Drift closed his beak and hopped down with a thump. The gryphon paused, hoping the noise he made had not awakened Chel.  Fly chittered on ahead, jumping up to catch hold of the doorknob, unlatching the door and pushing it open with a bit of tricky maneuvering, just enough for him to squeeze through, grab the doorknob on the other side and kick the door open a little wider. Drift had no problem getting through the door once Fly was done.  The squirrel bounded down the hall eagerly with Drift close behind.

One thought on “April 26, 2004 (1 Comment)

  1. *Sigh*…Chel never gets a break, does she? Though I can see one of the two siblings adopting the dice, if they get a hold of them…after all, they’re beyond cute 😀

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