3 674

June 01, 2004

Chel glanced at Dr. Hobbes apprehensively.  She didn't want to give her an explanation.  Fly squirmed in her arms, making himself comfortable. "What are they?"  Dr. Hobbes demanded to know, stepping around the table and standing between Chel and the door. "Uhm,… I really can't tell you,…"  Chel stated.  "It's important that nobody knows." "Where did they come from?" The vet persisted, folding her arms. "What are you doing with them? Chel?" "We happen to like Chel.  Now, if you don't mind, we need to leave,"  Fly spoke up, flipping his ears back and forth.  He sensed Chel's uneasiness. "Be quiet, Fly, you're not helping!" whispered Chel, desperately wanting the squirrel to not say anything else.  This wasn't going to be easy.  What if Dr. Hobbes went to the government?  What if she told her parents?  How would Chel explain that?  She would have to lie to a lot of people to keep them safe and she wasn't that good of a liar.

3 thoughts on “June 01, 2004

  1. I must admit, that doc is taking the situation better than I thought. I don’t know how I would’ve reacted, to be honest.

    1. I would have fallen to the ground twitching.

  2. Chel rolls for persuasion check!
    Writer: …well?
    Chel: …….
    Writer: That bad, huh?
    Riley: (in his most helpful, upbeat tone) Oh, she rolled another nat one!
    Lexx: (face palm)

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