2 880

October 07, 2004

Riley couldn't hold his tongue at the pure hypocrisy of that statement, "And what do you know about relationships, Zaile?!  You sleep with a concubine every night who isn't even your own kind, because you don't want to ever risk having a real family!" "Security,"  growled Zaile, "Please escort Riley to the location of his choice with all of his possessions as soon as possible."  Riley glared at Zaile, already plotting his next moves.  "Oh… and Lisaan will be accompanying you.  You own her now.  Consider her a parting gift." Lisaan swallowed a lump in her throat.  Again.  She was being passed off again and to an uncertain fate.  She was afraid of where they were going and what Riley might do to her in anger.

2 thoughts on “October 07, 2004

  1. Well, if I know Riley, he’ll let her go free…or dump her on Lexx, which is essentially the same. After all, he has no use for her. And she is not at fault.

  2. I feel so bad for Lisaan.

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