10 503

Day 24 Part 3

Two?!  What is she thinking by sending two against me!  It’s against the rules! Lexx stood his ground as it shook beneath his feet.  The battle wouldn’t begin until the modifiers were thrown and Trasik was letting what Lexx was to face sink in.  The two creatures were stomping, roaring and tossing themselves around in an intimidating manner that would have a lesser being quaking with fear, but Lexx kept himself in check.  Either one of these is a challenge by itself, but together- Chel shivered at the sheer size of the creatures Lexx was up against.  She had seen him face larger creatures, but never two at the same time.

10 thoughts on “Day 24 Part 3


  2. Trasik doesn’t care about the rules. She just wants Lexx broken at her feet so that she can have her Lexx and gloat about it too.

  3. The Beetle’s thoughts: “Can I fit you inside my mouth? Yes, yes I can. 😛 “

  4. @Me: Haha well I love that!
    @hariman: What if the ADC has Trasik broken at their feet because of rule-breaking? It just seems to me that Trasik is _so_ blood hungry that she’s not looking at any other aspects of the game, or using her brain in the slightest.

    Okay, if my figuring is right, Trasik can only challenge once per game, right? Well, Lexx challenged her in order to drop the ‘native guide’ charges. How is he able to challenge her twice? A friend thinks it’s because he’s a dice, and Trasik just plays for kicks. Is there a set reason?

    1. Actually, if my recollection serves (and it is recollection, I didn’t go back to look) SHE challenged HIM the first time, and that’s why she had to figure out a plot to draw him out to challenge her back.

      1. Yes, yes she challenged him first, but because she could only challenge him once, she filed for rule breaking and forced him to challenge her. So they’ve each already challenged each other this game set. Isn’t this the second challenge he’s issued to her in this game?
        I will look through posts, but 10 years takes a while and I will post my findings’s locations.

  5. balls! balls!! balls!!!
    naturally i get all into it, and i have to stop HERE…. talk about a cliffhanger. especially after having 10+ years worth to read…

  6. Odd. Maybe Trasik knows that the ADC is trying to prevent Lexx from finishing the game, so they’ll rule in her favor in any rule disputes…

  7. @Sabreur I imagine ADC’s ruling will be entirely based on how this fight actually finishes. If Lexx win, they may slap him with the double challenge charge to try and keep him in, while shaking their finger at Trasik for two dice. If Trasik wins, then you probably have the right of it. As long as he can reproduce.

  8. I just thought of a way it can be legal! If Trasik combines her two dice. I don’t know if that’s possible, but what with them both being bug-type creatures and the fact that they’re staying close to each-other it seems probable. Stranger things have happened.

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