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Day 24 Part 3

Coil upon coil wrapped and squeezed, threatening to crush Lexx as he managed to keep one wing free while the other was twisted and broken behind him.  The other creature stood beneath Lexx, snapping its jaws repeatedly and bouncing up and down on its front legs like a puppy begging for a ball to be thrown. Chel watched in silent horror, unable to fully see what was going on as Lexx vanished behind the monstrous dice’s bulk.  Lexx’s armor held, but creaked ominously beneath the weight of the coils.  Lexx kept his head and managed to wrap one hand around a tentacle.  He twisted it and felt it give suddenly beneath his grip.  The larger dice screeched and loosened it’s tentacles just enough or Lexx to begin sliding and get himself into a better position to start ripping the coiling limbs off the creature. Rather than completely lose Lexx, the dice suddenly uncoiled its tentacles and flung him into the waiting jaws of the smaller dice.  Lexx was free momentarily, but it wasn’t long enough to do anything.  His left wing was fully crippled and sent a wave of sharp pain down his back as he was caught in the mouth of the second dice. Lexx struggled for a grip on the creature, even as its jaws slammed down hard and repeatedly over his body, threatening to break his body armor.  The short sharp teeth scraped at the armor, but they were the wrong type of teeth to actually get purchase on the plates.  Lexx was momentarily thankful that Trasik had chosen this particular dice.  The side pincers were too week to do any damage at the angle he was in and the upper and lower jaws were filled with teeth that were all exactly the same size.  The moment the creature tilted its head down, Lexx knew he would easily be able to free himself.

2 thoughts on “Day 24 Part 3

  1. Trasik got smarter since the last time she tried this. These dice were chosen specifically to counter at least some of Lexx’ strengths.

    They’ve also been trained to work together in a rather brutal fashion. Still, there’s no real pride for Trasik if she wins this. (HA!) All she’d manage to do is prove that getting the rules bent in your favor and putting two dice on one foe is a cheap way to win.

    But I don’t think she will. I have faith that Lexx will find a way out of this.

  2. Poor purple alien, he just wanted to play fetch! He can’t help it that his mouth is too big to fetch things smaller than Lexx…

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