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Day 24 Part 4 Page 3

Vic and Chel walked quietly down a brightly lit hall until they came to a door with a female kourwine standing just outside it.  She beckoned for them to come inside.  Once inside, Chel and Vic found themselves in a wider hall where several more kourwine were readying equipment and cleaning up a large amount of blood soaked cloths.  Chel stifled a whimper at the sight of all the blood.  They were ushered on around the corner and into a small room that contained a few plastic looking chairs, a cabinet and a bed, which Lexx was resting in. Chel fixated on him first, noticing that his eyes were closed and the pillow his head was resting on had smudges of blood all over it.  Smears of hastily cleaned up blood also marred spots of the floor. Then, Chel noticed that a littan was sitting in a chair next to Lexx, talking to him.  “Riley, when did you get – how did you – “  Chel was perplexed.  Riley wasn’t dressed like he had been earlier and his hair was different.  And more importantly, why had he walked past Chel without telling her anything? The littan turned and Chel immediately realized it was not Riley.  His face had more defined features and was more mature than Riley’s.  He also moved in a slower, graceful manner, whereas every movement Riley made was filled with impatience and a need to be moving. “I don’t see my son with you.”  The littan frowned, his voice very much like Riley’s, but deeper in tone. Riley’s father.  Chel felt a cold chill run down her back in wonder.  What was he doing here?

12 thoughts on “Day 24 Part 4 Page 3

  1. I’m not one to gloat, but I love being right…

  2. also, where the heck are Lexx’s wings???

    1. It does say that Lexx was resting “in” the bed, instead of “on” the bed. And looking at the comic itself, that description appears to be accurate. Maybe instead of “bacta tanks” they’ve got “nano-beds” for injuries this bad but not bad enough to need the full tank-treatment?

  3. We’ve seen dice roll back to zero (or one). Stealth did it once.

    Maybe that’s what happened to Lexx and it’s why his wings are gone.

    Gotta say the old man is looking calm talking to the girl who ran his daughter through with a spear, even if only in effigy.

    1. The way I see it that was’t Trasik but either a shapeshifter or robot, would explain the lack of concern from Riley, and the fact that theres was no reinforced ribcage.

  4. This is probably just as hard for Riley’s father as it is for Chel.

    Riley did say he was trying to go through proper channels to try to get Lexx out.

    I don’t think his mind will be put at ease once Riley informs his dad that Travik’s was not quite what she seemed if his last comment was any indication.

  5. Anybody else notice that Lexx’s face turns purple when he’s ill or injured?

    Chel can now put her foot into her gaping mouth. 🙂

    1. I’m going to laugh now.. because red and blue make purple. 🙂 Which makes showing severe bruising pretty darn easy.

  6. Ah the adults that Vic mentioned. The adults that beat Vic to the job of reprimanding Damian.

  7. For those wondering where Lexx’s wings went, it pointed out in the descriptions that his body was reabsorbing the most damaged parts of them for energy. This page That’s why the falling feathers went all sparkly earlier. So they’re probably smaller and tuck easier in the bed.

  8. Something went wrong with the formatting with this page, the image appears small and the text is BELOW the left bar.

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