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Day 25 Part 1 Page 4

Lexx is my brother… he wants to be my brother and I want a family, but I shoved him away.  Regret began to creep up within Zaile’s chest, catching him sharply.  Why?  Because they kept him?  No, that’s a lie I tell myself.  No, it’s  because everyone values him more than me. Zaile lifted his eyes up to the stars momentarily, then back to the garden.  His vision blurred and his eyes burned.  Don’t know how to change that, and nothing I have done has changed anything. He’s your brother.  You should be helping him, not trying to tear him down.   From somewhere deep within Zaile a voice spoke up, faintly at first, then building in intensity as it echoed several times. Zaile’s eyes widened and he shook his head wildly.  I’m talking to myself….  No.  You desperately wanted an answer and opened a door.   The voice spoke more clearly, making Zaile tremble in alarm.  Step inside.   It invited, no, commanded.

5 thoughts on “Day 25 Part 1 Page 4

  1. Either someone in Lexx’s head is inviting him for a conversation or Zaile has someone in his genetic memory as Lexx has someone in his.

    This should be insightful.

  2. It’s cliffhangers like these than make me sad it’s Friday. 😛

  3. Look Out! Harvey’s back!

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