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Day 25 Part 2

Drift in his fluffy pudgy little gryphon owl self and Swiftpaw the winged two tailed fox play a very non risky game of risk by running next to a cliff and seeing how far they can skid before actually falling off the side! IT has NOTHING TO DO with the next arc! Just a nice wintery image of two of the most popular and cute characters. Painted while I was on vacation so there'd be an update on Friday!! Print is available on Deviantart and Zazzle products! As of right now, the tally is $240 short of reaching the goal! Happy New Year and a note there are no updates next week due to losing my stylus last week. - Tiff

8 thoughts on “Day 25 Part 2

  1. Aw, that’s absolutely adorable. Swiftpaw looks seriously cute. 🙂

  2. For the record, I did not leave the comic, i simply check in monthly with all the comics I read so I can have something nice and long to catch up on! :3

    I must say, everything’s been coming along well and I’m loving the current chapter more than most I’ve read over the years. In fact, I’d have to say this has been the best oof what I’ve been reading lately, always on times and always of interest with a good storyline and much suspense to it.

    ’tis a shame the stylus has went missing, I do understand your pains there, I’ve had it happen to me plenty of times such as now. Looking forward to the next future updates and much thanks for the amazing content I’ve read overtime! :3

    ~Keith Sparxx (lilspirit86)

  3. Explain to me how something so dangerous can be so adorable.

    1. They have wings. And they love that fact because it lets them engage in races and fun that would be foolish if they lacked wings.

      1. But Drift can’t fly!! 0o0

        1. He can drift, though. And that’s enough to slow his fall.

  4. In some ways very cute and fun looking. But Swiftpaws blue fur makes him look colder then he is.

    Oh hey Tiffany, been trying to cantact you about the possibility of purchasing a calendar. How much this time around? And the last one I got was a 2004 issure.

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