4 921

Day 27 3 10

“Dad.”  Chel turned to her father, looking for his input. Victor took a long drink from his coffee cup, then replied, “I imagine they’re going to be well taken care of,… and fixed.” “They are broken?”  Epsy perked up with a shocked expression on her face, her full attention on Vic.

4 thoughts on “Day 27 3 10

  1. Oh this should be good. And you thought the birds and the bees was hard to talk about.

  2. Vic: Well, I would consider an uncontrolled breeding population of xenomorphs to represent a serious fault – so yes!

  3. If they can revert to a “dice” form for healing how exactly do you propose damaging their reproductive system in a way that wouldn’t be immediately undone?

  4. Just nod and say “Yes”, it should be simpler.. maybe not though. I’m sure the thought never occurred to Lex though, and might be impossible to do with the bound dice… what with nanites and such making sure to heal every wound out there..

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