19 1048

Day 27 3 12

“Understood.”  Lexx’s shoulders heaved with a sigh, as he went the only route he could see.  “You may take them when the game is over and do what you see fit.  I can’t do it.  You have a point.”  He thought that would end the argument and remove the future worries about what would become of his dice, win or lose.  Most dice were cast aside at the end of a master game.  They were not valued as much as their master players.  The ADC could claim them, but usually didn’t bother, because dice from a fallen master player were typically unmanageable, but this way, the dice would be in good hands that wouldn’t really expect anything from them.  Lexx wouldn’t have to worry about taking care of them. “No,”  Vic glared at Lexx, “You do not get to walk away, Lexx.  You have to be responsible for them.” “I didn’t choose that responsibility.”  Lexx’s voice dropped as he scowled back at Vic, standing up to him.  “Everyone wants me to be responsible for things I do not choose.  What about what I want?” Stealth’s ears snapped back further against her head hearing Lexx’s words and anger flared up her body, prickling the fur around her neck and head.  There he went again, going on about his choices, what he wanted, without a thought to everyone that depended on him.  She blinked as warmth flooded her eyes and ground her teeth together, pressing her tongue to them to redirect the sensation. How was that for gratitude? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I realized after this page was done, that the wording could be taken for Lexx telling them that they could kill his dice. :D  I fixed it in the text, just to clarify, that he does believe they're not going to hurt them.  Yes, Stealth is still annoyed, because she has more right than any dice to be annoyed that Lexx would just discard her without a second thought.  - Tiff

19 thoughts on “Day 27 3 12

  1. Wow, it’s rather amazing to see how far both sides of this debate between Vic and Lexx go.

    It’s like watching two people trying to drive in nails and hitting each others thumbs repeatably. Not only that, but their also dropping buckets of paint onto the heads of the Dice and other people in the room. Heheheh!

  2. I’m surprised Lexx is even into this debate. Were I him, I’d be too distracted thinking about the gauntlet to care about arguing.

    Also, Lexx, everyone has to do things and take responsibilities they don’t want to. It’s called being an adult.

    1. Of course Lexx, most of those people get better lessons about Responsibility then from a game that has raised and abused you to become a fighting beast and kill you if you ever try to actively seek your freedom…

      I’m waiting for a clincher of someone saying that “the Dice have stood by your side for this long. Does that not earn your respect and responsibility despite how you’ve all been forced into this?” in this.

  3. Being responsible for your own messes is the first step toward adulthood. But you’re not really mature until you have to clean up other peoples messes.

  4. This entire conversation was very sad to record, along with the one immediately after it and the one following that… and the one I’m going to have to write soon. I’m going to need to intersperse some humor soon.

    1. Hmmmm…yeah….though the exchange is a bit amusing to me. The topic has me feeling down the more a think about it.

      I’m reminded about the first conversation Chel had with other members in the MIB. It almost seemed like some wanted someone to blame and punish.

  5. And we’re still waiting for the Gauntlet news to drop.

    What Lexx fails to realize is that his dice have had even less choice than he has in all this. But as has been mentioned, Lexx is very self-centered. Victor’s arguments have been a bit more consistent, in my opinion, although certainly not without their faults.

  6. Damn it, Vic.
    What was your whole effin argument about? Lexx tried to be responsible, he didn’t stuff zeta and epsy in a box and say, “have at it.” Noooo, he was very upset but relented because he didn’t want to KILL SOME BABIES. NOW your effin agency is saying, “awww cute babies WE WANT!” And yes Vic Lexx is effin exhausted, he’s just had his whole biology rewritten for heavens sake, he’s been fighting grueling battles for other peoples amusement his whole EFFIN life, and now after barely being recovered he’s gotta go fight something that would make YOU wet your pants! But no, Lexx, it would be irresponsible to let the dice be taken care of by loving people WHO WILL ALSO BE FORCED TO TAKE CARE OF LEXX BECAUSE YOU SAID THATS THE ONLY WAY HE’LL GET TO SEE CHEL SO YEAH THATS RIGHT YOU GOT IT ALL FIGURED OUT DONTCHA VIC.

    Damn it, Vic.

    1. I tend to side more with Vic than Lexx in this little exchange.

      It started with the question of what to do with the Epsy babies. Vic dodged a rather sensitive topic, remarking that good homes wouldn’t be hard to find, at which point Lexx stuck his foot in his mouth and mentioned he had forbid them to breed.

      Vic’s response was pretty much that Lexx’s command and desire they not breed weren’t enough to prevent such a strong impulse from playing itself out and asked Lexx to place himself in that same situation. Lexx failed to grasp Vic’s point there.

      Vic mentioned that the dice abilities, much like Lexx’s were dangerous and might be sought after by those of ill intent, to which Lexx agreed and tried to walk away from the responsibility he had to his dice.

      Lexx’s point has a fatal flaw in that his dice are in pretty much the same scenario he is in, having responsibility they cannot walk away from, and little choice in the matter. They didn’t choose the game any more than Lexx did.

      I’m not saying Vic’s arguments here are perfect, or that they please anyone, but they do show at least a level of consistency and point out a very real concern, a problem without a quick fix.

      1. If you look into the thought processes below the page you realize a lot more is going on in Lexx’s head then Vic could ever realizes.

        Their idea’s of responsibilities might be different then the both realize. It certainly doesn’t help that Lexx is for the most part a traumatized youth and Vic keeps bumping into these hurtles left by the ADC academy and the game.

      2. Heh, sorry about that, I’m afraid I’m prone to fan-rage, but I honestly think Vic is taking it too far, and frankly, making things more uncomfortable when they really do not need to be. This argument to me seemed to be coming completely from Vic. He was being rude to Lexx who has gone through much more than he has. I you’ll go back and read, Vic was basically saying the dice can’t stay on earth and breed, and Lexx was trying to tell him he didn’t want them to breed. After which Vic, who before was basically saying the dice need to get their butts off earth, now is saying that it’s unfair to control his dice like that. The catch is that firstly, VIC is trying to control Lexx as much as he can, and second Lexx never agreed to this, but has managed better than anyone. I agree that Lexx can be selfish at times but he has and is going through a lot and Vic is acting like the meddling mother in law, and I REALLY hate that.

  7. Hey, Lexx, don’t think you don’t get a rage review either.
    STOP NEONG SUCH AN EFFIN WEENIE! You are an awesome badass, you don’t need to takes Vic’s EFFIN SHIT. But you also need to man up where your dice are concerned. Even though SOME of them are very stupid and paranoid, please, just show them how loyal you are. You are putting up with VIC for celestias sake, so you and chel can be together. Don’t give in so easily like an angst ridden carcass of the forgotten goth of dark shadow highschool in beautifulspiritville. You are not a pansy here, Lexx, that’s VIc the dick.

    1. Wow, I forgo I had this much fan rage in me. 0_o

  8. Poor Mittens/Stealth is just sitting their and taking it, she’s eventually going to reveal she’s really Chel’s cat. Wonder how her dad will take that?

  9. And this is the part where Vic gets to give Lex a 101 on parenting, and how your own desires take a back seat for the good of everyone else.

  10. And can you imagine what it would be like to be the dice, particularly the more intelligent ones with a partner already? They’re on the losing side regardless, and able to understand what is being discussed. Not only that, but their selfish master doesn’t seem to appreciate what THEY’VE done for him in getting him this far..

    1. I tend to look at it more along the lines of how would a human being feel if someone snipped of their bits because they thought of them as a waste of resources.

      It’s dangerous grounds Lexx and Vic are treading on.

  11. Isn’t Stealth happy though that she is Chel’s and not Lexx’s.

  12. You know, thinking about it further, it seems very likely most kids still in the system will be even worst off then Lexx.

    So this can be taken as a small showing of just what to expect if other players get free.

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