10 1196

Day 28 02 14

Seelie landed his pod a few feet away and stepped out onto the sand.  Lexx walked up to him as protocol dictated to accept his win.  His thoughts were a whirl of questions he figured would never be answered. “These modifiers, Nebula, and Wavechaser are yours now, along with another gift that will arrive later.”  Seelie held out a trio of dice to Lexx.  It wasn’t often that dice were offered from the loser.  It was a gesture that was only carried out by players who genuinely admired their opponent and after a difficult battle. This was not one of those situations.  Lexx glared at the dice.  “I don’t need any more dice.” “Ok, I’ll keep Nebula, but you are to give Chaser to your human girl.”  Seelie offered the dice again. There was a nudge on Lexx’s relay, telling him to take the dice.   He could only assume it was coming from Seelie, even though Lexx was blocking all relay conversation. “Ok,”  Lexx agreed, unsure of Seelie’s motives and still confused by the whole encounter.  “I’m not sure what she’s going to do with one.  Thank you.”  Lexx accepted the dice and pocketed them.  He would have to talk to the dice inside before giving it to Chel.

10 thoughts on “Day 28 02 14

  1. Is Wave chaser the “landwhale” or Nebula?

    1. Never mind, according to two pages ago, Nebula is the “landwhale”.

  2. AD Corp may be losing their action junkie audience, but picking up a new audience. Some choreography with the land whale and the blue angel might pick up a few more. The nice thing about greed as a motive, is that it can always be co-opted. The ideological purist is far more dangerous.

    1. Preach it, brother. If enough people want something, someone will produce it. On the other hand, people who demand totalitarian perfection are incredibly dangerous, in that nobody is perfect, and everyone becomes guilty. I’ve seen that before. The difference is that, like you said, a greedy person can be swayed in actions, even if not in beliefs, because a businessman goes where the profit is.

      I suspect the ADC will try to demand combat by imposing penalties and conditions. In addition, the more pragmatic in the ADC will likely see the way the wind blows. I don’t quite know what the result of this could be, though chances are the ADC would split into two companies. One would be branded ADC Battle, the other could be ADC Arts. They’d both be branches of the same company, but they’d be involved in different businesses.

      I would pay money to watch movies with Alien Dice actors, wouldn’t you?

  3. I dunno Lexx, I think you can use all the help you can get, especially from a 1000 ton land whale…

  4. So, I already am picturing Lexx fighting and overcoming multiple obstacles, only to lose at the very end of this final challenge. He would lose to Trasik, or to the head lady of the game company. (I haven’t reread this comic in a loong time, so I’m forgetting the names…)

    Anyway, Chel, in a dramatic standoff, will strike some sort of deal where Lexx gets to go alive if Chel beats this head lady at her game. Chel will be using this new WaveChaser dice, which will secretly be the ultimate counter dice to whatever the head lady throws at Chel. BAM – Chel will save Lexx, and some outside forces that were rallied earlier by Riley’s father will swoop in heroically to arrest this head lady, free the dice, and it’s happily ever after for Lexx and Chel.

    Alternatively, the head lady could still be beat, but she gets away. So Lexx is free, but he and Chel will be traveling around the universe, freeing others from the corrupt game, and trying to find this evil lady/others that got away.

    (Again, I am forgetting a lot of details of AD, and apologize if anything struck a sore note with anyone x.x
    I’m just having fun with this =) )

  5. What I forgot to write last time:
    I don’t quite understand how come that the challenger lost to Lexx. Looks more like a tie to me. (Neither of the battle participants was defeated or even wounded.) Or is “lack of winning” enough for the challenger to lose to Lexx?

    1. More of a forfeit. Essentially they are challenging him to a battle, so in this case it’s failure to act. Rather like in sports if the other team just holds the ball and does nothing with it, they will at some point forfeit possession (in the least)

    2. In the event of a draw, the challenger tends to lose.

      1. the goal is to beat lex, so failing to beat him means failing the objective.

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