6 472

Day 28 2

Lexx lifted Maenae up quickly. She wrapped her little arms around Lexx’s neck and gave him an affectionate hug. Lexx stood for the moment, sorting through a flood of thoughts. Maenae completely trusted him to keep her safe. He might not be able to do that. Lexx’s gaze passed over Riley and Damian. Damian had promised to take care of Maenae, but what did the Sairah know about taking care of a child? He would just pass her off to caretakers like Lexx had done, seeing her occasionally. Then, Lexx looked on to Vic, Mel, and Chel, who were deep in a conversation about what had happened after they left. There expressions were serious and concerned. Lexx stared at them, considering a few things. The humans had not hurt him. They were interested in him in general, but every action had been considerate. Lexx LIKED Mel.

6 thoughts on “Day 28 2

  1. It’s always good to like the in-laws

  2. Thinking about a change in who he wants to take care of Maenae?

    1. Well, they already have raised one girl to Lexx’s liking…

      1. Very good point!

        Also, your name … that was from Watership Down, right? The sun at noon or something?

  3. “their expressions”

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