5 541

Day 28 7

It feels wrong to even think that, but this is an entirely different kind of battle. Lexx flipped his wings up and tugged off his shirt. I need to drink as many nutramixes as I can before going into battle so I can fake roll surges. Lexx considered the things he needed to do to prepare. The nutramixes would provide extra energy stores so he could disguise what the architects had done to him. A small voice inside, kept pointing out that they would use any technicality they could find to make his progress invalid.

5 thoughts on “Day 28 7

  1. Ohh, thinking a few levels of strategy higher, eh, Lexx? And to answer you from yesterday, Tiff, yes, I like the background very much.

  2. You’re doing a nice job of building suspense here…

  3. the shirt is coming off. now its serious.

    1. I am now going to need to go and see why my like buttons are not working. 😀

      1. Aww, shucks. ^-^

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