3 1199

March 18, 2005

"Then-" Lexx slid his hand beneath Chel's hand. Chel smiled, allowing him to move her hand. She turned to face him. Whatever thoughts had been flittering through her mind had suddenly flittered away. Chel found herself looking up into golden eyes more expressive than she recalled. A heartbeat later, she was lost in them. It was as if they were the only two beings in the universe. Lexx smiled gently, caressing Chel's hand before leaning over just enough to kiss her hand. Chel shivered uncontrollably. It seemed like a silly little gesture, but it made her skin tingle. She knew what Lexx was feeling. He was unintentionally sharing that emotion across the relay. Chel made no effort to block it. It was fascinating and - she wanted to feel more.

3 thoughts on “March 18, 2005

  1. And now everyone: Love is like oxygen! You get too much, you get so high…not enough, and you’re gonna die…

  2. Love is like a tourniquet. Too loose and it’s no good, two tight and you lose what you’re trying to preserve.

  3. Love is like a tomato.

    … Sorry, I got nothing.

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