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May 27, 2005 (3 Comments)

Dash whirled on his haunches and lunged after the ostrich. It made a squawking sound and turned. Dash flapped his wings and jumped at the ostrich a second time, then a third. On the third try his paws hit the ostrich's back, but the bird's body shape made it difficult to get a good hold of him. Then something truly surprising occurred. Dash extended his claws and sunk them into inky black feathers. The paw sunk through the other dice's body and kept on going. Feathers seemed to melt away from the main body and a second white ostrich head emerged beneath Dash's paw and was immediately followed by a leg as though a second dice was stepping out of the first. Dash let go and slid to the ground and glanced from one ostrich to the other as they separated and circled around him. They were slightly smaller than the original, and just as fast. This wasn't going to be as easy as Dash had hoped. This particular dice had the ability to literally multiply himself. There had been plenty of time for it to absorb energy on top of its original form and now it was making use of it.

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