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“Kade and Rumen rescued me.” Chel heard the fondness for the two men in Lessa’s voice when she said their names. Lessa’s face momentarily softened at their mention as well. “Kade offered them money at first, but they would not accept it. By that time, they had traced my DNA markers and Taumus’.”

5 thoughts on “01/05/2011

  1. First, I like the visuals, esp. that Aura of Reasonable Authority Power ™ on Kade.

    “Offered them money…-” To releases her? Recover her kid? Hire a hit on the jerk of a doctor? Bought out the hospital? What?

    I’d ask about the trace, but I think that will be answered Friday.

  2. “Kade offered them money”. Who is the ‘them?’

  3. I’m wondering what Rumen (Lessa’s husband’s brother) were doing at a place that kept people unconscious and stole their children? Did he work there? Does he do that to others? is he evil?

    1. Check the comic from 12/24, the comments have been updated and that question is somewhat answererd now.

      1. aha, thanks

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