10 772


Comic up! $94 left in the tally! - Tiff, up toooo late.

10 thoughts on “01/28/2012

  1. Hopefully, that buys Kieth a few years of purgatory.

    Now why am I suddenly reminded of Calvin and Hobbes?

    1. I think I love you for that comment… XD

  2. Somehow this makes me sadder than any of Lexx’s injuries. 🙁

  3. Very cute!

  4. Yeah, but his odds of being either bitten or clawed by this big kitty are much lower than by a normal tiger.

  5. Dash and Kieth certainly are getting chummy.

    Though Kieth does seem to have a way with wild animals. He’s right in his element.

  6. To be fare I would probably do the same thing.
    Not wanting to be a 3rd wheel and there was a tiger around that I can comfortably interact with, I would go for the belly scratch.

  7. Guess he successfully found Drift’s emergency fluff evacuation plans. 🙂

  8. Aww poor Keith. Unrequited love is the worst. =( Well hopefully he and that alien girl he was chummy with earlier will hit it off.

  9. “The fact that you like this more than you want to wait for me to heal from being bitten”

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