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January 30, 2007 (5 Comments)

"We should ask Andrea and Kalvin what they know first and include their statements with Chel's concerns."  Mel looked at the door thoughtfully. "I am not happy about finding out that Riley has been here." "Let's hear what the kids have to say." "He threatened our family." "It may have been a mock threat to throw you off, Vic, … think about it, … in terms of humans, not aliens."  Mel knew well how her husband thought of 'aliens'.  It was in his nature to be suspicious and on guard.  It was also what kept him from getting a nice office job, not that he wanted such a job. The field was where he belonged and where he thrived.  But this had been the first time they were faced with an actual contact and this was personal. The worst part about this entire situation was that there was a strong possibility that another unit would be sent.  Mel knew this thought was what had Vic on guard the most, considering the danger another unit might put their daughter in.  He wanted to be there and so did Mel.

One thought on “January 30, 2007 (5 Comments)

  1. No, Vic. If you really wanted this handled properly, you should be calling in SOMEBODY ELSE to debrief your kids!

    The problem is that Vic is either not competent enough to know this, his department is too small for this to be a viable option, or Vic is just overprotective to the point of being a bad agent.

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