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03/09/2009 (32 Comments)

Victor took a long look at Epsy and Zeta. To him, they might as well have been walking meat grinders. They were big, fast and obviously smarter than the average animal. If they were breeding uncontrollably, how long before they started eating … people? “You mean these things are Breeding?!” Vic could barely contain himself. “We’re going to take care of it.” Riley tried to calm the irate human. “We do not intentionally cause problems on the planets we play on.” “I’m really sorry!” Epsy suddenly interrupted. She had crept closer to the group in as nonthreatening of a manner as she could manage. Her chin was resting on the ground. “I am! Please, don’t let Lexx crush the eggs. Chel can take them?? Zeta say Chel want them. They would be safe with Chel.” The large sallomandyr gave Chel and Victor a desperate look.

3 thoughts on “03/09/2009 (32 Comments)

  1. Even as big as she is Epsy is still cute.

  2. No matter how big she gets I still hear Epsy talking with Ducky’s voice. Ducky from “The Land Before Time”.

  3. maybe its just been too long but I don’t hear ducky (even though I think I remember repeating things three times as a kid because DUCKY WAS THE BEST) I just hear a slightly higher version of Zeta who I can only describe as a ever so slightly more gravely version of Epsy.

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