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March 13, 2006 (1 Comment)

Then, Lexx said something that made Stealth's ears perk up particularly high. "Chel, I want to show you something." Lexx's voice dropped as though he were embarrassed. "What?" Chel was on guard, but curious at the same time. "Me." Lexx looked away. "What do you mean?" Chel inquired cautiously. "It is believed by the littans that dreams are the purest reflection of a person's soul," Lexx swallowed. "It was wrong of me to look at your dreams." He had apologized before, but felt the need to do it again, because of what he was going to ask Chel to do. Chel nodded, but didn't respond immediately. She had a feeling she knew what Lexx was going to say next. "Oh! Oh! This could be good and bad!!" Stealth's eyes widened in excitement. Lexx was going to invite Chel into areas that only Stealth had walked in across the relay. The cat knew all to well what things lay in the dark and forgotten recesses of Lexx's mind.

One thought on “March 13, 2006 (1 Comment)

  1. Erm…yeah, this could really go either way…either Chel is scarred for life and dumps him…or somehow manages to mend the scars within Lexx’s mind and they can become happier…maybe his bloodstone will finally begin playing a different tune then.

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