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March 19, 2008 (5 Comments)

Epsy recovered and glanced around. She was getting tired of all the invaders. Her eyes locked on the next targets. Chel and Riley. Epsy screeched and charged in their direction. It was a mock charge, but Riley didn't see it that way. He lifted Chel and ran back the way they had come. Chel was more than willing to let him. Lexx hesitated and looked back. A tiny bit of reason was creeping into his mind. Chel was in danger. No. She wasn't. Riley was taking her to safety. Lexx had to hurry. Swiftpaw hovered at the treeline trying to evaluate whether he should fly home or land nearby. "Drop me on Epsy, Swiftpaw!" Drift panted breathlessly. He couldn't let Chel get hurt. Swiftpaw swooped over Epsy and dropped the smaller dice. Drift plummeted, not even bothering to flap his wings. He landed with a loud, somewhat painful, whump directly on Epsy's head. Glittering golden lights arced around Drift's small body.

5 thoughts on “March 19, 2008 (5 Comments)

  1. AWWW!! little Drift!! dont eat him Epsy!

  2. …soon to be not so little…

  3. Yeah! Hero drift moment! ^_^ Hero everyone moments! ^_^

  4. Aww. I take back that bit about Drift being a coward I posted a few pages ago. My little hero.

  5. awwww yeah drift is about to roll ^-^

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