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The three were so distracted by the ship, they didn’t hear the quick steps of guards coming into the room until the guards were close enough to call out to them. “Riley just contacted us to bring anyone who wants to go to Lexx’s room.” Chel looked directly at her father and stated, “I’m going.” “Me too.” Vic nodded quickly. This was a time he needed to stay close to his daughter. “Yes,… me as well.” Maelinna gracefully rose to her feet to follow.

6 thoughts on “04/19/2012

  1. Is there anybody not going?

    Okay, everybody pile in the car. I don’t know how we’re going to fit a dozen people into a Mini Cooper, but we’ll have to find a way!

    Seriously though, there probably are a dozen people who are going to go with Lexx.

    1. Can be done. Be strategic about weight (heavier people on the bottom, seat lighter people on their laps), and put the very smallest people in the group huddled up on the floorboards in front of the seats. Only the driver gets a chair to themselves. NEVER for long distances, and even then pray you don’t get pulled over.

      1. Ok, but not everybody going is human size and shape. I’m sure at least 3 dice will go too. I don’t want to be in that car. 🙁

        1. can be done. We got 11 people in a D-50 pickup in college.

        2. The dice can cling to the roof.

  2. Shotgun!

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