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“Claudia?” Keith took a step back and nodded slowly to Chel, his expression clearly showing he was nervous about where this conversation might be going. “She just left a few minutes ago.” “She didn’t DO anything to you, did she?” Victor nudged Keith on the shoulder. The boy went rigid, then slumped forward with a sigh. “We had a very long conversation that I don’t want to talk about right now… or write a report about.”

10 thoughts on “06/06/2012

  1. Conversation? Yeah…

  2. So, he’s been roped into the “let’s break up Lexx and Chel” plan… 😛

    1. Either that or she’s decided she’s got a better option…

      1. Or the conversation was so awkward and borderlines on the side of being personal that he just doesn’t want to talk about.

        Remember how Lexx acts around her. Isn’t much of a stretch to think Claudia has that effect on any young sane man.^^

  3. Hope she didn’t “convince” him that Chell should not be with Lexx.

  4. “To…” “with…” what’s the difference?

  5. As long as she didn’t put “the bite” on him…

    1. I believe Claudia’s not a Littan, so there’s no worry about that.

      I get the feeling that Kieth helped Claudia realize the error of her ways and convinced her to get a clue.

      Or they were talking about the latest season of pokemon and shipping Ash with various characters.

      You never know.

  6. lol Tiger-hair Chel. I like.

  7. Is it just me, or does Keith look a bit like Gollum on the last panel?

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