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July 04, 2008 (15 Comments)

"I'm really tired, Sirius."  Chel fought to keep her eyes open.  "Don't worry, I'm sure everything will work out."  She stroked the fur on the side of Sirius' head.  "I'm just not sure if I'd be able to do anything for you.  The government might take you all away."
"But you would try, wouldn't you?"  That was really all that Sirius asked for.
"Yes."  Chel nodded.

2 thoughts on “July 04, 2008 (15 Comments)

  1. Well, Chel, you ARE studying to be a biologist. They DO like to hire kids of their employees. They WOULD need someone to keep the dice alive for study, and might as well keep them happy as long as it’s not too expensive…

  2. Ah, but you forget the Rules of Evil Overlords. Here, specifically: “Newly sentient lifeforms are to be treated with the maximum scorn and contempt possible, to thoroughly alienate them from their captors and encourage a violent, ultimately suicidal revolt, thus disposing of the philosophical concerns of emergent sapience in the shortest amount of time.”

    Poor Sirius. He has no chance . . . : (

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