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July 14, 2005 (6 Comments)

I'll leave Chel a note to let her know you got home, Dad-" Kalvin turned to walk to the kitchen. He really wanted to make sure that she had some sort of warning. "No, Kalvin, we'll let it be a surprise." Vic caught his son on the shoulder. If Chel was doing something secretive, this would be the perfect opportunity to catch her. "Okay, Dad!" Kalvin nodded, trying to keep a normal expression. He had noticed something out of the ordinary out of the corner of his eye. "I'm keeping hidden just like Chel told me to." Kip watched from the confines of a potted plant. He had taken care to disguise himself with a scattering of leaflike holos around his head. "Hmmm, I'll let her know about dad being home!" Vic never noticed the little watcher, even though his eyes were keenly scanning the house for anything out of the ordinary. Tiny little men were not on his list of things to look for.

4 thoughts on “July 14, 2005 (6 Comments)

  1. Gah! Kip is so Kawaii with those leaves all over his head!!!! XD

  2. Special agent Kip on the scene!

  3. Kip has been hanging out with Kalvin a TAD too long i think lol.

  4. Well, whatever works…now Chel needs to get back home…and I mean ASAP. How far can these doors reach, I wonder…? And yup, adorable little Leprechaun 😀

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