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July 25, 2005 (1 Comment)

Zaile and Riley watched from a private communications room on Zaile's ship. Riley had found it an easy matter to set up a scheme to fool Kane. It was time consuming to mock up every single reference to Shira Kane and all her aliases as not found. She had many of them. Riley was amazed at everything she had done and the things that he had not noticed before. Most of what he had seen were petty crimes. Nothing to be concerned about. Now he was finding references to her involvements with other noted criminals. Riley did not allow himself to think about how rash he had been in sending her directly to Lexx. His only thought was to get her away from him. "Good job, Riley!" Zaile congratulated over his shoulder watching the display showing Kane's ship heading up into the stratosphere. "She fell for it." "The ship's engines will shut off in orbit." Riley stated evenly. He did not look at Zaile. He wanted it clear that he was NOT doing this for Zaile's benefit. "I took the liberty of tipping off several interceptors - and noting the various bounties they can collect. Even as a group they'll each get a sizable bounty." "Now," Riley let his gaze slowly drift to Zaile, "About Maelinn."

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