7 564

July 27, 2007

Maenae remembered. Her mother read to her in that beautiful language.Β She fell asleep in a steadily softening golden light. She was enveloped in darkness and then there was a sound. A wrenching squeal filled her room and she was jarred awake with a star filled sky flickering on the wall behind her. "I don't remember." "It's best that you don't." There was a roar and then a gold humanoid form filled Maenae's room with a brilliant light. Β It looked at her. It was the first time. "I kept you safe. I will always keep you safe." The voice warmly wrapped around Maenae.

7 thoughts on “July 27, 2007

  1. Oooooooooooh!

  2. More support for my theory. Maenae is possessed.

    1. It could be her “guardian angel” of some sort. Since nothing is known about her race, every of them could have one…on the other hand, they were all dead, when Lexx found her…only time will tellblaz42@

      1. Oh god…first comment an i already mess up. Curse you touch screen interface…

        1. Hehe… no, it wasn’t you messing up. πŸ™‚ I moderate for good reason. πŸ™‚

        2. Oo, it wasn’t about moderating first comments, i had the same settings on my blog at the time…i meant that part of my email addres at the end of my post…somehow it didn’t switch fields when i wanted to type it where it belongs…whatever. it is nice to see this piece of art up and running again πŸ™‚ i remember that when i was reading last time, there were frequent delays in updates. Hope you all are better now.
          And have a nice summer
          /rant off

        3. Damn,where is that edit button? There is one, right? Next time, i will have to read that like three times to catch all typos before sending πŸ˜€

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