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July 30, 2007

"Maenae, Maelinn is going to take you back to the ship so you can go to bed."  Maenae looked up at the littan's stern but smiling face. "I want to stay here."  Maenae stated.  She wrapped her arms around a befuddled Energy.  His antennae drooped and he swallowed hard.   "Your room isn't ready."  Riley shook his head. "No.  I'm staying here."  Maenae was determined to make them drag her away from the large dice. "We have a little surprise for you, Maenae."   Maelinn smiled.  "I can't tell you about it, because it's also a surprise for Lexx, but you'll like it.  That's where you're going to spend tonight.  Riley was just trying to surprise you." "Oh?"  Maenae looked interested. "We just need to keep it a secret from Lexx.  Wouldn't you like to see the secret?"  Maelinn spoke softly. "You'll need to go now.  I'm sure it'll be fine if Energy and Fly go with you… especially Fly.  He has a big mouth."  Riley smirked. Fly cast a sheepish glance in Riley's direction. "Ok!"  Maenae shrieked, then quickly clasp her hands over her mouth.  She had not intended to be so loud.  "Ok."  She added in a whisper.

One thought on “July 30, 2007

  1. This is adorable and I love it.

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