5 570

August 04, 2006

"Nothing much, really. You won't miss them." The Sairah's voice was smooth. It was grating on Kane. "Just your eggs." Kane narrowed her eyes and stared through him. He did not just ask for what she thought he had.

5 thoughts on “August 04, 2006

  1. We don’t want much…just your unborn children. Honestly, if they’re so advanced in their technology, why don’t they just CLONE Lexx?

    1. They’ve mentioned that before, cloning can only produce exact replicas, down to the appearance and everything…and when they’re going for recognizable, marketable celebrity-like players, they want ones that look different. And they don’t just alter the appearance genetically because, even when being careful, altering appearance-affecting genes also alters others, producing unintended (and presumably unpredictable) results. Even the first-gen rishans were altered in more ways than appearance, albeit not in an obvious way (to those who didn’t know about the differences already). Hence the ADC’s eagerness to get their hands on anyone from the Shira family line…apparently they’re closely related to – if not directly descended from – the first-gen rishans that were too adaptable for the slave traders to sell as they were.

  2. Clone Lexx’s gonads. Crude, but effective.

  3. Oh wow. I need to rewrite this scene. Please don’t take offense, I don’t mean to say you did it badly. I’m so moved by this scene that I want to write it. Does that make sense. May I? And when I’m done, may I share it with you? Please?

  4. Hopefully Kane will get some character development from here on out.

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