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October 05, 2007 (1 Comment)

- no text available - You will see why there's not a comic here on Monday. I've made two drastic changes as an experiment ... one was drawing on the preprinted 8.5 X 11(I'll use my larger full scale paper once I get a tabloid scanner... working on that) bristol sheets I purchased from Ka-Blam with my own little Shivae Studios logo on them. The second was using a crowquill and G-pen. (I ended up using three DIFFERENT papers, a different one for each comic.) I don't know why. I was just inspired to use them ... now, as long as it doesn't lengthen my time doing them, I may continue using those tools. I've also put a ... good deal more detail into each panel, since I CAN with a crowquill. I'm quite happy to say that I did not smudge, drip drops OR pierce the paper or even have to drastically fix anything. The result... is ... well, you'll see on Monday when the first piece is uploaded, which was done on 9 X 12 bristol. In the meantime... CUTE Epsy and Zeta up! I may make it a postcard, unsure at the moment.

2 thoughts on “October 05, 2007 (1 Comment)

  1. AAAHHHH!!! FEAR THE CUTE! *hides*

  2. Aww, I want one~

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