0 663

11/19/2008 (26 Comments)

The fact that the dice left quickly was not good enough for Lexx. He had told them to leave twice now. “Why don’t they listen to me??” Lexx grumbled internally. “They’re my dice. They’re supposed to listen.” Lexx’s shoulders sagged as he slumped forward. His left arm was aching terribly and a faint rumble came from his stomach. He was going to need to eat soon, but he didn’t want to leave the balcony. “Epsy didn’t listen. Epsy has never disobeyed me before. Am I losing my command of them?” The thought was frightening. Lexx needed the dice. Did they really need him? They were just animals and he did not expect them to understand the complexity of the game and what would happen if he lost. “They have to listen to me. What am I going to do if they all start disobeying me?” That was even a more chilling thought. “ I’m going to have to do something drastic with Epsy.” The thought crossed Lexx’s mind that he could use Epsy to make an example to the other dice and bring them all into line. He also might try scaring them with the worst things he could think about for their future if he lost. He had thus far spared them from any talk about losing and what would happen to them. He wanted their focus on the game itself. He spent more than enough time thinking about what would happen if he lost on his own.

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