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November 27, 2006 (4 Comments)

"You have no power here." Lexx responded, rising to his feet to face his challenger. "I have as much ability to manipulate Lexx as you do." A female rishan stepped from the mists and faced him. She had been waiting, biding her time and studying Lexx's mind without revealing herself. It still was not time for the real Lexx to know she was there, but this imposter had interfered enough. She looked different than she had in life, her relay consciousness a reflection of her true appearance. Sicali Riane's hair was no longer white, but a shade of purple. The clothing that adorned her shapely frame was mostly black, orange and gold. Her expression was not that of a slave, but someone free and confident. "I am Lexx." He snapped at her. "No." Sicali Riane shook her head. A thin smile spread across her lips, "Lexx is not a malicious little imp. YOU are a distortion of a genetic memory meant to help Lexx."

One thought on “November 27, 2006 (4 Comments)

  1. figured i would help those that might end up being a little lost and give ya a link


    helps explain a bit about the genetic memory.

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