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December 03, 2007 (1 Comment)

"It needs a crew!" Lexx protested further. "I can't afford a crew!" "You only need a crew of three, Lexx. Two pilots and a technician." Riley smiled. "I'm paying for them." Then, as though it were an afterthought, Riley added, "And I'm giving you Lisaan to keep things tidy and cook." "Riley ..." Chel's fuse was immediately lit and her tone sent a chill up Riley's back. "You can't just give people away like that!" Chel furiously jumped in front of Riley and jabbed a finger into his chest. He blinked, unsure of how to react. "How is that any different with what the ADC is doing to Lexx?!" Panic raged through everyone present as they simultaneously tried to calm Chel over the relay. "Don't mention the ADC!" Lexx's fearful cry cut through the other comments to be careful what she said.

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