8 570

December 06, 2007 (2 Comments)

Lexx uneasily looked from Chel to Riley. "Heh," Riley took Chel's sudden change in expression as a good place to change the subject. "Hey, you got all red ... so did Lexx! What have you two been doing over the relay!!" He was joking, but Chel's face only reddened further and Lexx's hands clenched quickly into fists. Riley didn't even see it coming. "Excuse me, Riley!" Lexx snapped over Riley's relay. He stepped forward and caught Riley in the nose with a well placed jab. It would be enough to shut Riley up abruptly and get him out of Chel's firing line.

8 thoughts on “December 06, 2007 (2 Comments)

  1. And he’s Out~

  2. We sure Chel isn’t part kourwine? She changes colors more than Claudia lol

  3. Say, doesn’t ‘hitting other players outside of official matches’ get Lexx into trouble with the ADC? That and…wouldn’t that kinda dislocate Riley’s jaw? Though I imagine that whatever Chel would’ve done to him…would have been worse.

    1. I ‘think’ that it was over the relay

      1. And even if it wasn’t, clearly Lexx is acting to preserve life. Because if he had kept running his mouth, either Chel or Lexx’s fangirls would have killed him…

  4. Oh yes, Riley… You love to keep conversations flowing smoothly…

  5. Oh, Riley, you scamp!

  6. Until I read the text, I was sure that Chel had hit Riley… 😎

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