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Lexx grumbled to himself and felt something drop onto his head, followed by several more somethings. The fuzzy winged creatures were back and now all over Lexx. He ignored them, suspecting they were called to him by Keith just to annoy him. They nestled down onto his shoulders and one was sitting on top of his head. “Thank you for showing us what you can do.” Lexx resolved not to react and pushed his irritation down further. “It is amazing. You are very talented.” He forced the compliment. “Thanks, Lexx!” Keith replied placing an arm around Chel’s shoulders. Lexx glowered. Not only did he not like Keith being so close to Chel, but he was also getting more and more envious about the things Keith could do. Stupid human. Why does he get this amazing ability and why can’t I do this? Lexx clenched his fists, steeling himself to not react. He knew his thoughts were not in the right. He should not be feeling so jealous, but he couldn’t help it. They were friends. There was nothing ‘close’ about their contact like what he felt he looked like when he was with Chel. Still, it upset him. ------------------------------------------------- I DID it!! I'm CURRENT again and all it took was completely giving up! So, as I type this, it's New Year's eve. I'm typing on the HP. Yes.. I gave up getting an equal laptop to replace it. :/ It was just too much stress trying to sell it for enough to replace it with a machine with the same specs AND a wacom digitizer. It works fine attached to the Yiynova, making it much faster to color on and work large files. The HP has become my desktop. The HP's name is Stealth. I gave up on the Ativ the day before. It is the most horribly inconsistent machine I've EVER had. It was supposed to make me more mobile since the HP isn't capable of being drawn on, written or other. I honestly had no idea just how much I used my laptop while moving around the apartment so I don't sit in one place too long. So I purchased a Surface Pro today. I didn't want to, but I did and it was the right choice. I could keep putting it off, but I was GOING to have to buy something soon and this way, I won't be going batty every time I get antsy in the desk chair! It FLIES. It's name is Journey. I kind of wanted to start the new year WITHOUT the baggage of last year. Last year's baggage was constant computer issues that dragged over from 2012. :( I don't NEED that this year! Time to get back all the ground I've lost. - Tiff

8 thoughts on “2014-01-01-Day-27-1-14

  1. Keith uses DISNEY CRITTER SWARM. It’s not very effective. Target is stalled, and irritated.

    I don’t think it was made clear earlier just how exceptional Keith’s talent is. I wonder how he would match up against the best in the interstellar community…

    Purple Fangirl: *squee* You KNOW the Terran ambassador?!

    Zaile: I was the one who got him his link! I’m afraid I can’t introduce you to him right now, though, as he’s conducting some delicate negotiations…

    And, in Keith’s link:

    Trasik: This is just exquisite! Better than real life!

    Keith: Glad you’re so impressed, but I really want to address the issue of-

    Trasik: Oh, who cares about Shira Lexx and his dreary dice! I’m more interested in YOU now! With my wealth, our connections and your skill, there’s no limit to what we could do! Our children could rule the galaxy!

    Keith: Ah… *gulp*


    1. Trasik and Keith?

      I’d figure she’d view Keith more of an appetizer for for her or one of her Dice then in a relationship with him.

      I don’t think she would even look at the Relay ability of Keith’s in a positive matter. She’d probably view him as a dreamer and a slacker, punch Keith and step on and over Keith and point at Lexx to challenger her again and give Keith a kick as she left to get her Dice set up again.

      Of course, that can’t be taken for granted, because we have no idea how long that Mimic was posing as Trasik. So who’s to say just what the real Trasik is really like until we get that point cleared up.

  2. Come to think about it.

    All relay dives up until haven’t had this amount of detail for the participants. Maybe it has less to do about the ability and more around the culture built around the relays.

    There seems to be a whole lot of affects of the introduction of certain technologies in their cultures. The nanites allowing the production of the ADC just being one of them. Could the Relays have blunted some of the imagination of the alien races that have them?

  3. I think Keith is borderline Dissociative Identity Disorder. Each creature has their own personality to the point that they can be considered themselves and alive.
    But that is probably not the case, Keith is probably better in tune and understanding of non normal creatures than normal ones.

  4. I feel so bad for Lex.

  5. Aw c’mon Lexx! Don’t begrudge a man’s rare opportunity to shine! Probably the only thing the poor guy could do well.

    Although I suppose jealousy and such immaturity can only be tempered with time.

  6. I can just HEAR Lexx’s monotone voice, lol! XD Poor Lexx!

  7. Heh. I would give my right testicle for either a relay OR the dice powers. Though I think I would prefer something like a relay interface for my computer. Hey, don’t look at me like that. Surely there *must* be such things, specifically for people with terrible disabilities. A dataplate with a relay interface. Probably a bit pricier, but wouldn’t you love to be able to dictate at the speed of thought? Or use a 3d modeling program to design things?

    Heck, I would put some programming programs in, build worlds, and have my assistant translate all that data and build a game out of it. Heh. I could crank out a huge rpg shmup action adventure puzzle roguelike.

    Or I could just clone Dwarf fortress and make it a huuuuge 3d game with fantastic graphics. Heck, with that, I could design the game, and you put the latest version of DF into a specified folder, and that would be the instructions for how everything moves and acts. This… This would be amazing, but I suspect it might require a few hundred gigs of data to hold everything. You would probably have to install it on an empty slave drive.

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