0 457

April 05, 2004

Later,… once Chel had played enough video games to make her eyes water, she went to bed. She didn't bother turning on her light and closed the door behind her. Suddenly, she had him on her mind again. 'What did I expect?' She asked herself, carefully crossing the room and sitting on her bed. 'Did I honestly expect Lexx to come back?' She sighed, slumping over in thought and fighting the sadness that was bearing down on her. 'Of course I did.' She added stubbornly, 'I still do.' 'He might be in trouble,… or he's hurt somewhere,' That thought brought worry to mind. There was nobody there for Lexx. She was here. Would anyone help him if he were hurt? What if he was stranded? Unable to get back to his ship. Chel remembered what Stealth had told her about the last time Lexx had been hurt badly. She wanted to be there with him. He was so strong,… and at the same time, vulnerable. 'I could use the remote,… but I'm half afraid it won't work,' She fished the black remote out of her pocket and turned it over in her hands. Chel didn't want to confirm a suspicion that Lexx might have given her the remote just to get rid of her. She really didn't believe that he'd do something like that,.. but just how well did she know him anyway? 'I haven't tried it yet. I believed him…' She stared at the remote. Chel wanted to see Lexx again. She was having a difficult time dealing with just how much she wanted to be near him. Why couldn't she be feeling this way about someone at college? Why did this have to be so difficult? Was she making his more difficult than it actually was? No. She was doing this the right way. The only way to see the future was to go to bed now and wait for morning. There was nothing to be gained by worrying. 'I'll give him until morning.' Chel placed the remote on her nightstand and laid down. She smiled, closing her eyes and seeing Lexx there,… smiling back at her.

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