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Chapter 25 Pg 2A

I’ve been waiting for this chance since I was a kid. I have a lot to offer and nobody will touch me here.” Korbaen continued speaking. “But the humans! They will put you in a lab or dissect you!” Kane exclaimed in terror. “Doubtful.” Korbaen shook his head slowly. “We’re all human. I’ll take my chances with my own kind over that rishan traitor!” Kane leaned back in her chair, swiveling it to face forward. The ship circled again and Korbaen brought it down to a clear area in the middle of a large park.

13 thoughts on “Chapter 25 Pg 2A

  1. Smeg, he’s Mad. Even Kaine sees this is a bad idea.

    Besides, first thing a human is gonna do is “Oh Shit ALIEN!” once the blue skin is seen. Any response after that is random, except for a cop bold enough to point a gun.

    1. Maybe, and then again, maybe not. Yeah, there will likely be some people reactionary enough to scream and run or to point a gun. However, they look human, so some of the reactions might be skepticism and disbelief.

      Or even better, “Honey! Call the news station and tell them we’ve got a real live alien guy complete with UFO!” while others actually do call the cops and the mayor’s office.

      This is going to cause one hell of a uproar in both terran and intergalactic circles.

      1. Or, even more likely, most strangers’d just think they were wacky cosplayers from some unknown fandom…Although, something else the blue ones could do is keep their ears under hats and just tell people that their parents fed them crap-tons of colloidal silver when they were kids. Problem solved!

  2. Heh, it sure points out how much the current person who runs the ADC is despised.

    It’s kind of cool how this one character who had little true interaction when first introduced didn’t say much. Now he’s saying quite a bit and non of it is very flattering of that women he works for.

  3. Oh boy, this is a great idea, this couldn’t possibly have a bad ending…

    The least he could do is briefly talk to some of the xenos living on the island and ask for a safe location and manner to introduce himself.

    Ah well, at least based on the terrain hes flying over, he’s landing in a relatively quiet suburb.

    1. or a park 😉

  4. Personally, I think he’s got an *amazing* future as a Megamind cosplayer.

  5. Forgive me fair artist, I love your strip, but a very minor nit: wouldn’t the seats and restraints be a little higher tech? They look like they belong in a Terran automobile circa 1980.

    1. You can make things look as fancy as you like, but in the end form always ends up following function. Simple physical restraints like that are among the most efficient methods to dampen inertia, and a seat is a seat, both in this case designed for human bodies.

      Now, one can certainly imagine that the tech supporting both units is significantly higher, for example the restraints may be calibrated on the fly to give exactly the right amount of resistance at all times. One can also imagine an inertial dampener or other high tech device that renders the restraints unnecessary, but might also fail in a serious emergency.

  6. I think I have the solution. Have you ever heard of the phrase “hiding in plain sight”?

    Fast forward two weeks:
    “In other news today, The Las Vegas Blue Man group has announced they are adding a new member to their show.”

    1. Men…
      “You didn’t see an alien – it was a publicity stunt for Intel!”

  7. Some makeup, a good hat, a pair of sunglasses and some gloves and he might be able to pass as human for a while. Alternatively some people might think he was just really into body art/modification or Halloween as long as he isn’t parading his alien technology around…

    1. XD yeah, and if anyone bothers him about his origins, he can just say “test my blood, I’m human” XD It’s perfect!

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